
Friday, 24 January 2014

Medigist: Towards a healthier you

team medigist

Medigist: Towards a healthier you


Every thing Medical. News, info, interviews, tips, breaking news etc. The place for you to get and share the latest happenings in the medical community.


To be the largest most reliable online resource for everything pertaining to the study, practice and utililization of medicine and medical allied disciplines.
To mentor aspiring and current medical students to excel in their chosen careers as Doctors, pharmacists, lab scientists, physiotherapists, etc.
To empower the general public with the knowledge required to live a healthy and fulfilling life.
To ensure that the right products / information get to the right people through proper advertising campaigns and sponsored reviews of products/services that benefit medical students and the average health concerned person.
medical students in class


The one stop for everything pertaining to health, wellbeing and the study of medicine and medical allied discipline. A place for you to gather information aimed at a healthier you. The hub for students of Medicine (MBBS), Dentistry (BDS), Nursing Science (B. Nursing), Medical Laboratory Science (B. MLS), Physiology, Physiotherapy, Pharmacology, Radiography, Pharmacy, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Microbiology and other Medical Allied Courses. We feed you with medical advice, news, ground breaking medical discovery and research, notes, medical jokes, medical pickup lines, med school gists and much more.
For people in non medical or medical allied professions, true to the axiom, health is wealth and knowledge is power, we'll empower you fit the knowledge to live your life to the fullest.

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Medigist is not a one writer thingy or a personal blog. No! It's a community for everyone medically inclined to contribute. So have you got an experience, advice, information, news, gist, short story, jokes, etc to share? Don't hesitate to email us or contact us, our contact form is on the side bar. We'll accept and publish anything, so long it's medicine or health related. Cheers, we'll be expecting to read from you! Sharing is caring! Remember, Knowledge Empowers!


  1. why is your blog hard to load on mobile Phones, i'm able to access to i'm using my PC

    1. Thanks for your feedback, we're working on it, please check again and see if it's improved

  2. Very interesting. I think u need your host blogspot is a bit diff to follow. Not your fault I exp it wt others. I'll be back when I can think of what to send to u.


knowledge Empowers, help us reach more people


Medigist is not a one writer thingy or a personal blog. No! It's a community for everyone medically inclined to contribute. So have you got an experience, advice, information, news, gist, short story, jokes, etc to share? Don't hesitate to email us or contact us, our contact form is on the side bar. We'll accept and publish anything, so long it's medicine or health related. Cheers, we'll be expecting to read from you! Sharing is caring! Remember, Knowledge Empowers!