
Friday, 23 August 2013


A few medical school advice from my friend on twitter, a medical doctor who enjoys advising others toeing his path. Hope you find it useful in med school and beyond

⭐What have you done today that makes you happy? You should always pursue happiness, even in the smallest of ways.

⭐Compete against yourself, and you will keep getting better.
⭐If what you want most is money, go into business. If what you want most is to help people, go into healthcare.
⭐Everyone will make mistakes in medicine. It is hard to get over, but it does get better. Don't be too hard on yourself, you are human.
⭐When I see med students/doctors smoking, I die a little inside.
⭐The only consistent part of medicine is that it is consistently changing
⭐Stress doesn't necessarily need to be a bad thing. You can use it to your advantage to help get things done #stress
⭐At some point in your medical training, 7am begins to feel like sleeping in.
⭐When the water starts boiling it is foolish to turn off the heat. ~ Nelson Mandela
⭐Being angry makes it so much harder to think.

Sourced from Dr. K @medschooladvice

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